The SciKnowMine Triage Application

We present here a user manual for running and maintaining a web-based system for peforming document triage given a corpus of PDF files. We will describe processes for installation, execution and maintenance of the system.

  1. Installation Manual
  2. System Organization
  3. Command Line - Set up
  4. Command Line - Working with Data
  5. Command Line - Reporting Functions
  6. Command Line - Deleting Data
  7. Command Line - Machine Learning
  8. Command Line Tools - Running Experiments
  9. Web Application - Running the System
  10. Web Application - Extracting text using LAPDF-Text
  11. Web Application - Performing the triage task
  12. Web Application - The Base Digital Library

8. Command Line Tools - Running Experiments

We designed the system to permit developers to run machine learning natural language experiments on their data. We expect that we will need to design specialized components for specific document classification tasks to optimize performance. This is where the system permits this process.

At this point, we make extensive use of the ClearTk 'evaluation' (cleartk-eval) module (see ClearTk-Eval provides pipeline functions within UIMA that automatically run N-Fold validation tests, calculate Tf-Idf, Mutual Information, etc. and calculate standard metrics of performance (Precision, Recall, F-Score, etc.). The reason we currently work with ClearTk is that is written in Java and provides a common development platform for other popular machine learning libraries such as SVMlight, LIBSVM, LIBLINEAR, OpenNLPMaxEnt, Weka
and Mallet. Thus using (and maybe helping to extend) the ClearTk API could provide a wide range of tools for SciKnowMine.

Note that this work currently requires working with source code, since developers must create their own ClearTk features and pipelines. This is a work in progress and we describe it here in it's early, development form. These are not commands that are packaged in the skmTriage-1-1-5-SNAPSHOT installer, but are available from within the codebase but may be run from the command line using the following structure:

java -classpath skmTriage-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar <> <arguments>

Preprocessing the data.

java -classpath skmTriage-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 
-triageCorpus <triage-corpus-name> -targetCorpus <target-corpus-name>
-dir <target-directory> -prop <proportion-of-docs-held-out> 
-l <login> -p <password> -db <database> -wd <workingDirectory>

 -targetCorpus NAME : The target corpus that we're linking to
 -triageCorpus NAME : The triage corpus to be evaluated. 
 -dir NAME          : The directory where the ML data is to be extracted to 
 -prop FLOAT        : The proportion of documents to be held out (_e.g._ 0.1)
 -db DBNAME         : Database name
 -l LOGIN           : Database login
 -p PASSWD          : Database password
 -wd WORKINGDIR     : Working Directory 

This runs through the available text from each paper in the system and extracts it to the named directory in the following structure:

+ directory
|-+ <target_corpus_name> (e.g., 'Allele_Phenotype')
  |-+ <triage_corpus_name> (e.g., 'Hiroaki_Onda')
    |-+ test
      |-+ in.txt
      |-+ out.txt
    |-+ train
      |-+ in.txt
      |-+ out.txt

Each in.txt and out.txt file contains data formatted in the following way:

88177   < > During neural development , programmed cell death ... <all-text-from-the-paper> ... the insets in i and l. 
88302   < > Mitochondrial dysfunction has long been implicated ... <all-text-from-the-paper> ... to generate sufficient ATP . 

Each line starts with the database id value for the article citation and then contains the text of the article, extracted from the PDF and converted to XML through the LAPDF-Text library (and then rendered to text through the JATS XSLT system). This provides a standard format for the data that may be processed by any NLP text mining system.

Running Experiments.

We provide the RunEvaluationAcrossFeatures class as a method for running evaluations across multiple feature annotators. This is essentially a scripting program which runs the PreprocessTriageScores command a number of times followed by a set of feature extraction pipelines.

This is a current focus of work within the system and is likely to change.

java -classpath skmTriage-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 
-triageCorpus <triage-corpus-name> -targetCorpus <target-corpus-name>
-dir <target-directory> -prop <proportion-of-docs-held-out> 
-nRepeats <number-of-times-whole-process-will-repeat>
-l <login> -p <password> -db <database> -wd <workingDirectory>

 -targetCorpus NAME : The target corpus that we're linking to
 -triageCorpus NAME : The triage corpus to be evaluated. 
 -dir NAME          : The directory where the ML data is to be extracted to 
 -prop FLOAT        : The proportion of documents to be held out (_e.g._ 0.1)
 -nRepeats INT      : The number of times the pipeline will be run
 -db DBNAME         : Database name
 -l LOGIN           : Database login
 -p PASSWD          : Database password
 -wd WORKINGDIR     : Working Directory 

Currently, the system runs through a number of feature sets to check performance of document classification pipelines. These include (1) unigrams, (2) bigrams, (3) combined uni- and bi-gram data, (4) tf-idf counts from unigrams only.

The system generates a tab-delimited file called results.txt in the output directory, where the evaluation metrics are delivered.