Dry Run Evaluation Papers from MITRE to identify level 1 statements
PMC1234335 | 16135815 | n |
PMC3178447 | 20179705 | y |
PMC3690480 | 23706742 | y |
PMC4345513 | 24602610 | y |
PMC534114 | 15550174 | y |
PMC4329006 | 25449683 | y |
PMC3595493 | 23392125 | y |
PMC4729484 | 26816343 | y |
PMC2841635 | 20333297 | y |
PMC4052680 | 24467442 | y |
Not all of these papers are available as *.nxml. All of them are available as PDF.
Note that FRIES preprocessing does not seem to work currently. May need to update REACH.
The embeddings are here /usr1/shared/projects/bigmech/data/embeddings/pyysalo_et_al
Pradeep’s version of the code is here: /usr1/home/pdasigi/workspace/sciDP/
Importantly, this includes the model files: model_att=*
, which we copy into a shared
version of sciDP here: /usr1/shared/projects/bigmech/tools/sciDP
python nn_passage_tagger.py /usr1/shared/projects/bigmech/data/embeddings/pyysalo_et_al/PubMed-and-PMC-w2
v.txt.gz --train_file /usr1/shared/projects/bigmech/data/discourse_tagging/train+test_data/passage_train.txt --use_attention
conda install theano
conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/kundajelab keras
python nn_passage_tagger.py
--test_files /usr1/shared/projects/bigmech/corpora/2016-06-01-DryRun2MITRE/ --use_attention